
2020 Graduation Project

Olfactory Art and Design



1919 Marcel Duchamp《巴黎的空气》(Air de Paris),将50毫升(大约是一次吸气所需的空气含量)的巴黎空气压缩在一只安瓿(安瓿最早用来盛放死者血液样本,并用来陪葬他们身边)之中,并在上面签名,使之成为一件艺术品。
在随后一系列杜尚主导的超现实主义艺术展览中,气味的确得到了运用——1938年国际超现实主义展中的咖啡烘焙味、1942年展览“超现实主义首批文献”(First Papers of Surrealism)中的雪松香气……这些嗅觉元素构成了展览表意不可或缺的媒介,与其它装置所提供的视觉经验一起形成多维的艺术欣赏空间。

1992 Janine Antoni, Gnaw
When art is made new so are we
"Olfactory Art is a contemporary modality of expression in which creators intentionally engage a very unique human sense in their practice - that of smell. Through innovative, multidisciplinary, and aesthetical approaches to art involving olfaction, contemporary creators are harnessing the unique dynamics of this system of perception to investigate, inquire, provoke and make visible, in ways that visual art cannot, knowledge and qualities about the complex relationships of humans, nature and culture. "

Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) worked with decaying materials, such as earth, animal fat, blood, wax and honey, that produced pungent and putrefying smells but advanced his philosophical and political ideas about death and transformation.

沃尔特·德·玛丽亚(Walter De Maria)的装置作品同样运用了强烈的气味刺激来还原场景性体验。其1977年的作品《纽约土室》(New York Earth Room),56cm厚的深黑色泥土铺洒在197m³的展厅之中,观众在装置边缘能感受到泥土的强大视觉与嗅觉冲击力。

Paul McCarthy, involves violence, self-mutilation, sex, blood, mucus and body fluids. However, with his practice, the materials do not decay but are preserved, visually fresh, in recordings alluding to the work's smells.


Sissel Tolaas

嗅觉艺术家 Klara Ravat 的“Smell Lab”
Olfactory Artist and Experimental Filmmaker, lives and works in Berlin
Olfactory Experimentation

Peter De Cupere,安特卫普嗅觉艺术家。


Gayil Nalls (born July 17, 1953) is an American interdisciplinary artist and theorist living in New York City and Hudson Valley, New York. Her artistic practice originates in philosophical investigations of personal and collective sensory experiences, memory and identity, and often include the relationship of these experiences to disappearing ecologies. She has been a pioneer in the field of olfactory art (art that emphasizes the sense of smell), and an influential contributor to the aesthetics of crowds and human massing. Her multimedia work frequently unites scientific and technological approaches to art-making, exploring the boundaries between the two.

Anicka Yi
Anicka Yi (born 1971 in Seoul, South Korea) is a conceptual artist whose work lies at the intersection of fragrance, cuisine, and science. She is known for installations that engage the senses, especially the sense of smell, and for her collaborations with biologists and chemists. The scholar Caroline A. Jones uses the term "bio-fiction" to describe Yi's work. She describes her works as exploring "a biopolitics of the senses.” Yi lives and works in New York, and is represented by 47 Canal.

Maki Ueda
The Dutch-Japanese artist Maki Ueda has been teaching the course ”Smell and Art” at the ArtSicence Interfaculty at the Royal Academy of Arts the Hague for almost 10 years now. Ueda choose the olfactory game as a starting point because it requires a creative approach, that is neutral in a sense that the quality and nature of the scents are less important than the sense of smell itself.

Victoria Henshaw
Her research focused upon experiences, perceptions and the design of cities and buildings according to the senses and in particular, the sense of smell.

Ani Liu
Ani Liu is a research-based artist working at the intersection of art & science.
Her work examines the reciprocal relationships between science, technology and their influence on human subjectivity, culture, and identity.

2015 “泰特感官”(Tate Sensorium)

Osmodrama is the art of timebased composing and storytelling with scents via Smeller 2.0. – Smeller 2.0 is a functional artwork and electronic instrument for the creation, recording and projection of distinct scent-sequences in collective experience. This opens up a new practice of olfactory art: Osmodrama.


Smell Festival


普魯斯特現象(Proust phenomenon)

紐約藝術與設計博物館(The Museum of Arts and Design)建立嗅覺藝術中心(Center of Olfactory Art at the Museum of Art and Design),2013年“嗅觉艺术1889-2011”(The Art of Scent, 1889-2012)

The Institute for Art and Olfaction (IAO) 
is a non-profit organization devoted to access, education and experimentation with scent.

Scent Culture Institute
is a hub for projects on smelling in culture, business & society based at Bern & Zurich in Switzerland. We offer thought leadership, consulting & educational services as well as cultural production. 

Art And Olfaction Awards

2019.11.20 anosmia/briefing
2019.12.4 first-hand/ second-hand research
2019.12.18 selecting the target expression
2020.1.1 conceptual exploration
2020.1.15 mind map
2020.2.12 olfactory analysis
2020.3.11 user-interaction scenario
2020.3.25 draft model experiments
2020.4.8 draft model test/feedback
2020.4.22 model making
2020.5.6 report/paper writing
2020.5.20 exhibition preparation
2020.6 exhibition/presentation

Stray dogs/cats

User Research and Product Definition Duration:7 weeks 产品2302(A504) Support organizations:无锡流浪动物基地 Coordinator:朱令仪 Aims: -to unpack mutuality...