

时长:Week 1-8



一 背景
More-Than-Human Design
is an emerging approach in design that seeks to move beyond human-centric perspectives to include the broader ecosystem of interactions involving humans, other organisms, and the environment.


This course explores how other-than-human partners inspire us toward other-worldly research methods.
To generate new questions, processes, and techniques.
To propose novel ways of doing research beyond routine academic paradigms.

二 讨论
1)昆虫的主体世界 (Umwelt):以昆虫的视角展现出的生活世界。
2)变态发育 (Metamorphosis):神奇的昆虫。

三 内容与方法
1. 回到小时候:大学生跟杨柳风小朋友的互动合作。(3+2) or (2+3)。
2. 资料研读:书籍、电影、纪录片、案例……
3. 访谈:与昆虫达人、自然教育专家的交流讨论。
4. 田野调查:湿地、种植园、博物馆……以我为中心的虫;以虫为中心的生活世界。
5. 装置实验:身体(角色)置换(Life Swap);其它实验设计……
6. 研究范围:

四 产出

文本、设计(visual communication, comics and animation, product)、装置(robot, prosthesis, wearable system...)、戏剧及其它。

五 时间表
1)Week 1-2 课题介绍、讨论

2)Week 3-4 分组;田野调查及装置实验
-蟲的畫像2: 家蟲
-Q&A rotation game
-Persona(H/I) and Product Definition

3)Week 5-6 文献阅读;设计构思及实验
-Q: Humans and Insects (roles/relationship/future society and future nature)
-蟲的畫像3:flipbook (motion)
-Report+Script (地點:楊柳風課堂)

4)Week 7-8 制作、汇报
- script


瑞士博物學家、科學插畫家 Maria Sibylla Merian
安妮 斯韋德魯普-蒂格松《昆蟲的奇妙生活》

Metamorfosis (Franz Kafka - short film)Dragonfly (Short Film | 360° - 3D - Spatial Audio)

Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar

SDGC19 | Matt Ratto: Critical Making as an Antidote to Design ThinkingCómo Hacer un Mini Robot Araña Casero

What If All Insects Disappeared?Women, Evolution and Insects as Food On Reproductive Ecology



Hear My Voice

用户研究与产品定义/(1-2节)1-7周/ 设B510/张宪/(2023-2024-2)-N0650080-03/产品2203(29人)/考查
(Supported by: 德勝社工; 無錫市太湖技工學校; 原石劇社)


Exercise1: Data analysis on a user's routine (by using 'A Day in the Life' tool)

1. Background
1) Education system 'creates losers'
2) Loser Psychology and Depression

2. Workshop1: "On the Playground" 

Date: March 14, 2024

Time: 13:00 pm-16:00pm

Location: Taihu Vocational School

1) Icebreaker: Sticker, Nickname, Circle, Flowing Dialogue, Grouping (simple, low-cost, fast)

2) Focus group

3. Workshop2: "Drama Healing & Paper Cup Interview"

Date: March 21, 2024

Time: 13:00pm-16:00pm

Location: Taihu Vocational School

Materials: paper, marker

4. Sound installation

(courage / confidence / happiness / peace ...
blue / black / memories / death / fantasy...
game / theatre / installation
mirror / childhood / life & death / holiness / Zen / nature ...)

5. Process

1) W1~4: Co-creation (co-design and co-production: shared ideation, joint problem-solving, transfer of skills)
Grouping: working together with users  (3+2) or (4+2)
Stage1: Engage (learn from each other; set the challenge)
Stage2: Understand (focus on user needs; gather key insights through workshops)
Documentary: Room Tour / Routine / Stories / Workshops

March 14, 2024. The first visiting, grouping, focus group, on the playground at Taihu Vocational School.

March 21, 2024. The second visiting, drama healing, paper cup interview, on the campus at Taihu Vocational School.

March 25, 2024. Paper cup phone weaving workshop

March 28, 2024. Field Research Presentation

2) W5~7: Product definition
Stage3: Ideate (market research and competitive analysis; design concepts; build prototypes)

paper puppet; sketch; sketchy model

Stage4: Validate (present; test; evaluate)
Stage5: Final Presentation

How To Run A Design Thinking Workshop
Design Thinking workshop with Justin Ferrell of Stanford d. School at The Irish Times
Meet the Sonic Artist Making Music with Plants: Sound BuildersPass the Sound_Workshop

Liminal Spaces

产品语意设计/(8-9节)1-8周/ 设B508/张宪/(2023-2024-2)-N0680008-01/产品2202(29人)/考查

1. Background:
1) COVID-19; 
2) Offline retail on the decline.
3) Property bubble
4) Liminal Spaces
Creativity is born in Liminal Spaces
The Latin word līmen, means “threshold”. A point of entry or beginning. Liminality is the “in-between”. 
And it could mean something different to everyone.
What happens in liminality?
Doubt, discomfort, unfamiliarity, uncertainty, and anxiety, But also growth, change, and discovery
Liminal spaces offer all the ingredients for creativity.

2. The invisible
Making the invisible visible

1) 視而不見:water; smoke; waste; mildew; dust 

2) 不可視見:wind; haze; microparticles; bacteria; fungus; moisture; temperature; smell; sound; taste; mood; pressure; EM wave; time...

3) 無中生有:illusion; rainbow; ghost...

3. Composition/Aggregation

組合關係 Composition: 不可分離,整體與部分的關係;

聚合關係 Aggregation: 弱擁有,整體與部分的關係,可以分離。

(e.g.Ikea, table legs; Thomas Heatherwick's Vessel; storage; lifestyle)

...the key point would be that here we have a transition from aggregate to assemblage(s) that is not the result of an agent or a designer, but is rather the result of an emergence. (From Aggregates to Assemblages)

life in life (Conway's Game of Life)(e.g.pegboard; crocs; lego;...) (language; culture)

4. Perceptual training


“ Life World Building Through Product Assemblage”
Product Design Department, School of Design, Jiangnan University

Environmental context: How does it fit with its surroundings?
Memory: Is this familiar or not?
Object affordance: How do you interpret it?
Mood: How does it feel?
Ritual of use: What is its role in our daily lives?

1) To Be a Synthesizer: liminal spaces

What is liminal space? The nostalgia aesthetic used in the most watched cartoons
...some key features and insights about liminal aesthetics:
a. Mood and Atmosphere: Liminal aesthetics often evoke a sense of mystery, nostalgia, and introspection. It embraces the beauty of twilight, foggy landscapes, empty hallways, and other in-between moments that evoke a feeling of uncertainty or anticipation.
b. Symbolism: This aesthetic may incorporate symbolic elements such as bridges, doorways, mirrors, or other objects representing transitions or thresholds between different states or realms.
c. Minimalism: The visual style of liminal aesthetics often leans towards minimalism, with muted colour palettes, soft lighting, and simple compositions. This simplicity helps to enhance the focus on the liminal space itself and the emotions it evokes.
2)Uncanny objects

“站在凳子上”(Mar.8 符號串聯:圖形與詩歌)

“這是我的凳子”(Mar.11 改變凳子一點點,宣告你擁有了它。)

"這不是一張凳子"(Mar.15 改變凳子一點點,宣告置換完成。)

“舊的瓦楞紙”(Mar. 18 結構訓練)

“Reading objects”(Mar.22 Online sampling and analysis matrix)

“增高鞋”(Mar.22 )

3)  “ Life World Building Through Product Assemblage”

Product Design Department, School of Design, Jiangnan University

Environmental context: How does it fit with its surroundings?
Memory: Is this familiar or not?
Object affordance: How do you interpret it?
Mood: How does it feel?
Ritual of use: What is its role in our daily lives?

閾限空間指的是那些空曠或廢棄區域,這些地方呈現怪異、荒涼且具超現實的特質。這種空間通常被視為過渡場所,與閾限的概念密切相關。 根據《環境心理學雜誌》的研究,閾限空間之所以顯得怪異或奇怪,是因為它們存在於建築和物理場所的一種恐怖谷中。

Stage1: Memory palace

“Memory Games”(Mar.25 Card data weaving, grouping)

Stage2: Storyscaping 故事場景設定

Choosing a liminal space in reality (abandoned or empty shopping mall, subway, playground...); To explore past stories and create new worlds for users to step into and interact with.

Stage3: Affordance structure 可供性結構試驗

To distil the value, meaning, and emotion behind objects into an organising idea.

"Affordance structure experiment" (Mar.29)

"Affordance drama" on the stone benches by water (Apr.1)

Stage4: Making (Material: paper + local waste) (Apr. 5; 8; 12; 15)

Stage5: Show (Apr. 19)


Maier, J. R., & Fadel, G. M. (2009). Affordance based design: a relational theory for design. Research in Engineering Design, 20, 13-27.
Lotman, Y. M., Uspensky, B. A., & Mihaychuk, G. (1978). On the semiotic mechanism of culture. New literary history, 211-232.
The Architecture of Liminal Space
Water Is ALIVE & RESPONDS to Human EmotionIl·lacions Gallery presents a milieu of Cristian Herrera Dalmau’s Uncanny ObjectsThe masochist's coffee pot“閾”空間|山本理顯|孤獨個人與社會互動的可能與關懷!

蟲( 釋義 ) 本義是動物的總名, 古時包括人在內, 都可以“蟲”稱之。 蟲天(百蟲能各自適應所處的環境); 蟲吊(蟲聲。其聲悽切,有如弔問); 蟲出(人死後數日則屍體生蟲。喻死後不得入土安葬) 跨专业设计实践 时长:Week 1-8 班级:产品2101 指导老师:张宪 合作机构...