
Hear My Voice

用户研究与产品定义/(1-2节)1-7周/ 设B510/张宪/(2023-2024-2)-N0650080-03/产品2203(29人)/考查
(Supported by: 德勝社工; 無錫市太湖技工學校; 原石劇社)


Exercise1: Data analysis on a user's routine (by using 'A Day in the Life' tool)

1. Background
1) Education system 'creates losers'
2) Loser Psychology and Depression

2. Workshop1: "On the Playground" 

Date: March 14, 2024

Time: 13:00 pm-16:00pm

Location: Taihu Vocational School

1) Icebreaker: Sticker, Nickname, Circle, Flowing Dialogue, Grouping (simple, low-cost, fast)

2) Focus group

3. Workshop2: "Drama Healing & Paper Cup Interview"

Date: March 21, 2024

Time: 13:00pm-16:00pm

Location: Taihu Vocational School

Materials: paper, marker

4. Sound installation

(courage / confidence / happiness / peace ...
blue / black / memories / death / fantasy...
game / theatre / installation
mirror / childhood / life & death / holiness / Zen / nature ...)

5. Process

1) W1~4: Co-creation (co-design and co-production: shared ideation, joint problem-solving, transfer of skills)
Grouping: working together with users  (3+2) or (4+2)
Stage1: Engage (learn from each other; set the challenge)
Stage2: Understand (focus on user needs; gather key insights through workshops)
Documentary: Room Tour / Routine / Stories / Workshops

March 14, 2024. The first visiting, grouping, focus group, on the playground at Taihu Vocational School.

March 21, 2024. The second visiting, drama healing, paper cup interview, on the campus at Taihu Vocational School.

March 25, 2024. Paper cup phone weaving workshop

March 28, 2024. Field Research Presentation

2) W5~7: Product definition
Stage3: Ideate (market research and competitive analysis; design concepts; build prototypes)

paper puppet; sketch; sketchy model

Stage4: Validate (present; test; evaluate)
Stage5: Final Presentation

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1) More-Than-Human Design:以蟲為中心的交互裝置設計 設計師需要關注多元物種關係。课题探讨新的研究方法,尝试改變习惯性的觀察方式,引發想像,進入一種非人為中心的敘事空間,透過推測理解非人為中心的設計。 2) Human Augmentation: 義肢對身...