
The Science of Smell

22 april 2020
How People Fought Diseases in the Past: a Top 10 of the Most Potent Smells

7 April 2020
The Times of Israel
Amid confusion over virus symptoms, Israeli scientist creates a sniff test tool
以色列科学家发现新冠肺炎患者会出现嗅觉丧失的症状,Noam Sobel,一位神经生物学系教授建立网站帮助人们评估嗅觉能力,全世界平均每小时约200人注册,注册者需要选择愿意每天闻的五种食料,包括蜂蜜、花生酱、醋、新切的大蒜和牙膏,人们会被提示每天嗅这些食料,然后调整滑块评估强度和愉悦度,如果气味感觉变化剧烈,网站会以红屏显示其嗅觉出了问题。

02nd February 2020
「The new indian express」
The research, which was led by author Giada Brianza from the University of Sussex, UK, claims that the smell or fragrance can influence the images we have in our mind related to our body. 
The human sense of smell is so strong that it is often used to treat other ailments in the body. “For mental, physical and spiritual purposes, our ancestors have been using aroma therapy to heal related ailments and disorders. So for us smell and its related impact on our body and emotions are not new. These researches can only strengthen these old therapies,” highlights Dr Jaitly.

Google researchers are training neural networks with a new technique to predict how a molecule smells based on its chemical structure.
The science of smell lags behind many other fields. Light, for example, has been understood for centuries. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton used prisms to divide the white light of the sun into our now familiar red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet rainbow. Subsequent research revealed that what we perceive as different colors are actually different wavelengths. Glance at a color wheel and you get a simple representation of how those wavelengths compare, the longer reds and yellows transitioning into the shorter blues and purples. But smell has no such guide.
If wavelengths are the basic components of light, molecules are the building blocks of scents. When they get into our noses, those molecules interact with receptors that send signals to a small part of our brains called the olfactory bulb. Suddenly we think “mmm, popcorn!” Scientists can look at a wavelength and know what color it will look like, but they can’t do the same for molecules and smell.

July 25, 2019
Researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, in a groundbreaking hunt to map the origins of humans' sense of smell, have found that olfaction relies on multiple regions of the brain — many undiscovered — and is far more complex than previously thought.
“We are in the 21st century and we still don’t really understand the sense of smell,” said Dr. Florin Albeanu, whose research paper, published this week in the journal Nature Neuroscience, challenges prevailing wisdom and poses new questions.
“Olfactory experience is very subjective,”said Alexei Koulakov, also a neuroscientist at Cold Spring Harbor Lab. 
“The perception of smells actually depends on the context and on an individual’s prior experience," Koulakov said.

May 3, 2019
「The New York Times」
You Will Never Smell My World the Way I Do
“We’re all smelling things a little bit differently,” said Steven Munger, director of The Center for Smell and Taste at the University of Florida.
“Olfaction is the most important sense for the rest of the animal kingdom,” said Dr. Lomvardas. And though its essential role is less obvious when humans don’t have to sniff out their next meal, it still affects much more than just perfume preference and flavor experience. There is evidence that reduced sense of smell has psychological consequences, he said, and it may offer early clues of an oncoming neurodegenerative disorder such as Alzheimer's disease.
Of course, genes are not the only determinant of scent. Rachel Herz, who studies the psychological science of smell at Brown University, calls this new study “great and important” but points out that there are many other factors at play, including attention, past associations and expectations.
“There’s also an ability to create odor illusions and flip people’s perception of an odor,” she said. She’s done this by presenting people with a chemical combination and telling them that it’s vomit. She then presented the same chemical combination and told them it was Parmesan cheese. The participants refused to believe that the samples were the same, she said, as one was so clearly disgusting and the other was so clearly delicious.

May. 11, 2017
Your nose knows more than scientists thought
Poor human olfaction is a 19th-century myth
You’ve probably heard that your sense of smell isn’t that great. After all, compared with a dog or even a mouse, the human olfactory system doesn’t take up that much space. And when was the last time you went sniffing the ground alongside your canine companion? But now, in a new review published today in Science, neuroscientist John McGann of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, argues that the myth of the nonessential nose is a huge mistake—one that has led scientists to neglect research in a critical and mysterious part of our minds. 
Every sense is unique and has its own quirks, bugs, and features in the human brain. One of the things that makes smell distinctive is that olfactory information is not rooted through this “switchboard” structure called the thalamus on the way to other “thinking” brain regions. It goes from the nose to the olfactory bulb and then directly from there to the olfactory [processing area] but also to places like the amygdala and the hippocampal formation, which are involved in emotion and memory. It’s a very common experience to have smells evoke strong memories. It's been speculated that that might be related to the different wiring.
Another [factor] is that the nature of smell is very synthetic. Most smells in the real world are mixtures of lots of chemicals. A cup of coffee has about 150 different chemicals … that you can smell. But you don't have 150 dimensional perceptions—you just smell coffee. You can't really think of it or label it quite as easily as you can describe the [sight of the] cup that the coffee is in or the music that's playing in the background.

Jan. 2015 Asifa Majid awarded Ammodo KNAW Award 2015 for Humanities

Innovative fieldwork carried out by Majid has undermined such dogmas. She discovered that small nomadic people in the rainforests of Thailand and Malaysia certainly appear to have a large abstract smell vocabulary, which they apply just as consistently as their colour vocabulary. Perhaps human beings do have the potential to develop a rich scent language, but that potential is not used where odour is less important for survival and, unlike in the rainforest, it is not necessary to pass on such language to children. 

In addition to fieldwork, Majid is also actively engaged in lab work. ‘I’m very enthusiastic about a new study among wine and coffee experts. I’d really like to determine what makes someone an expert. And whether this is reflected in their language use pertaining to taste and smell.’ She would also like to conduct research into perfume experts. ‘Unfortunately, they are few and far between.’



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