
The Table(Puppet)


偶物质(object puppetry)

W10 Speech: About puppet, puppet object and its value to designers
Game1: Breath/trash puppet
W11 Drama Thinking/Back to childhood
Game2: Exchanging childhood memories/paper puppet
W12 Puppet objects with body/human-puppet interaction
Training1: Hand magic/left-right hand interactions

W13 Making a product into a puppet or vice versa
Game3: Object theatre
Three elements: Table/Puppet/Fun
W14 Testing/collecting feedback/improving
W15 Final presentation

Object Theatre
Master puppeteer Hobey Ford's magical creations inspire children & adults alike.
The Puppeteer Film with Igor Fokin
Puppeteer Basil Twist at his studio in the West Village - Profiles - The New Yorker
Basil Twist, Stickman and Christopher O'Riley Perform ‘Symphonie Fantasique’ in The Greene Space
Suspension of disbelief through puppetry | Dadi Pudumjee | TEDxIIMIndore
A Portrait of the Puppet Master as a Young ManNatacha BelovaTurning objects into puppets with Lori HopkinsCharlot Lemoine



Stray dogs/cats

User Research and Product Definition Duration:7 weeks 产品2302(A504) Support organizations:无锡流浪动物基地 Coordinator:朱令仪 Aims: -to unpack mutuality...