
The Third Person


W9 User Research
*Futures/{people, communities, and society}/Ethics/Arts
Futures: long-term effects
Ethical Discussion:
...acknowledge the interdependency of social, cultural, physical, technological, and economic systems, respect the beliefs and privacy of individuals, and avoid damage to the biosphere.
*People: users, employees, owners, bystanders.../non-human stakeholders as well as future generations of humans and non-humans
...what we are still lacking are the means of embedding these learnings deeply into our decision-making processes – towards a mutually beneficial coexistence.
*always in a process of creative feedback, in an organizational encounter and dialogue, in constant world-making

W10 Product Definition
Design as an expanded ethical and professional practice.
*Accountability: technological feasibility, economic viability, organizational scalability, environmental sustainability, cultural sensitivity, physical accessibility, social equity, and ethical responsibility.
* Academia, industry, and end-users can better co-design the processes of imagination, technical implementation and evaluation.
*Opportunities and challenges on cross-disciplinary collaborations, the disciplines of engineering, science, art and creative design, social science and philosophy.
*The perspective of a new materialism. The Object Oriented Ontology of Harman enshrines the secret life of things, removed from our human understanding (even equipped with our technical prostheses). His theoretical approach has indeed inspired the speculative work of contemporary artists. This renewed relationship to matter, what it constitutes and how matter matters, also guides reflections on new approaches to materialism in the fields of Consumer Culture.

W11 Project Brief
Background: 2.5次元

W12 Field research

W13 Sample workshop:

W14 Script to storyboard
W15 Stage setting (sound/light)
W16 Final

Stage 1: Grouping(角色分工:沟通/记录/影像)
Stage 2: Choosing 2 people_ Primary Research(访谈/观察_同理心地图)
Stage 3: KJ 3D Cards (空间卡片)
Stage 4: Story Weaving Workshop (卡片编织故事)
Stage 5: Persona(塑造角色)
Stage 7: Scenario-based Design (剧本:椅子,回到一手资料的样本卡片)
Stage 8: Wire Sketch(线条画:2D)
Stage 9: Wire Space(线条空间+第三个人偶的活动)

*2次元: ACGN,即动画(Animation)、漫(Comic)、游戏(Game)、小说(Novel)
*2.5次元: 日本內容產業生產者所塑造的跨媒體環境、消費者期待文本重現的體驗需求,導致介於現實生活世界(3次元)與文本虛擬世界(2次元)之間的「2.5次元」建構成形,並於2010年代後逐漸廣為人知。角色扮演、聖地巡禮、VOCALOID等重視場域氛圍、消費者想像力以及體驗的樣態皆屬此類範疇,且成為佔有日本內容產業一定比例產值之重要商品。現今日本2.5次元市場的主力重心之一的「2.5次元舞台劇」,早期利用IP及角色等跨媒體策略吸引劇作的消費者;累積並形塑一定客群與體系規則後,則呈現出與過往一般商業舞台劇所不同的多樣化活動,更以此成為市場區隔的一大利器、發展出另一以自身為中心的跨媒體形式。



Stray dogs/cats

User Research and Product Definition Duration:7 weeks 产品2302(A504) Support organizations:无锡流浪动物基地 Coordinator:朱令仪 Aims: -to unpack mutuality...